Camera Club Competition Rules


For 2006, all competitions will be conducted using the digital images of your digital and slide entries. Photographers are allowed a maximum of 2 images per category.

Each competition will have two Theme categories and one Open Subject category. The Open Subject category will alternate between "Artistic" and "Traditional" classifications each competition. If a competition's Open Subject is "Artistic", then the two Theme categories will both be "Traditional." If the competition's Open Subject is "Traditional," then one Theme will be "Artistic" and the other "Traditional". In this way, every competition consists of one "Artistic" and two "Traditional" classifications.

"Artistic" classification submissions (for both Theme and Open Subject categories), permit the use of all forms of digital manipulation, including special effects, adding and deleting elements, collage, artistic effects, color modifications, etc. Submitting Before and After images is encouraged for Artistic classification categories, to allow the viewers to gauge the depth of the changes.

"Traditional" classification submissions (for both Theme and Open categorys) permit only minor manipulations using techniques which replicate traditional darkroom practices such as burning, dodging, color correction, and contrast control. No adding or deleting of elements or artistic effects is permitted. Before and After images are not required.

Theme submissions MUST follow the specified theme.

All images are to be submitted to the competition organizer, at least 2 days prior to a competition to allow time to oorganize the competition. All images are to be delivered in digital format. If your image is a slide, you have two options:

  1. The photographer does his/her own scan, either on their own equipment, or having a friend or a commercial company (such as Chrome) do the scanning. Once you have the image in a digital format, you can provide it to the competition organizer at least 2 days in advance of the competition.
  2. If you do not have access to scanning equipment, there are several GA Camera Club members who may be willing to provide this service. You will need to provide the slides at least 1 week in advance of a competition (if you plan to add artistic manipulations to the digitized image, get your images scanned early.) Contact the Club Secretary for a list of club members who can scan your slides (this list may change over time.)

Digital images must be submitted in .jpg format. File size to be 1920 pixels max wide for horizontal compositions or 1280 pixels max height for vertical compositions. (Note: images will be displayed in horizontal format, vertical or odd sized format will not fill the frame.)

All 2006 competitions will be conducted using the digital images of your digital and slide entries in accordance with a NEW judging scale of 1-10 (in place of the previous 3-9 scale), as follows:

10 Superior. Technically superior. High impact, perfectly exposed and tack sharp (unless intentionally soft or out of focus.) No improvements could be made. Relevant to the Theme of the competition.
7-9 Above Average to Excellent. Technically correct. High impact, perfectly exposed and tack sharp (unless intentionally soft or out of focus.) Only minor improvements could be made. Relevant to the Theme of the competition.
4-6 Average. Technically correct. Good impact. Correctly exposed and sharp (unless intentionally soft or out of focus.) Improvements could be made to improve impact, exposure and/or sharpness. Relevant to the Theme of the competition.
1-3 Below Average. Little impact or imagination. Out of focus, over or underexposed. Entries in Theme competition which do not conform to the theme shall be scored "1".

In each competition category, at least 3 places will be awarded, when up to 10 total entries occur in that category, if 11-13 entries then 4 places, if 14-16 entries then 5 places. At the end of the year, all images which have placed in each competition will be judged by an outside photography professional. Awards will be presented at our Annual Banquet.


  • Impact — What you see first, first impression, holds you eye.
  • Creativity — Use of imagination, originality, unusual angle, cropping, lighting, etc.
  • Composition — Good placement of subject (rule of thirds), symmetry, harmonious proportions, color, moods, etc.
  • Color Balance — Creative use of color.
  • Center of Interest — Is there a Theme? Fill the frame.
  • Lighting — Side, back, mood? Very Important!
  • Purpose — Story telling - achievement of purpose needs to be apparent.
  • Sharpness — Is the image tack sharp, in focus or out of focus