Updated May 17, 2019
Judges (paid members) need to view the submissions and fill out the scoring sheet prior to the meeting.
Voting structure is intended to evaluate each image in ones own right, hence resist ranking them against each other. Also please vote prior to hearing any group discussion.
Images are uploaded to the website, typically at least two full days prior to the group meeting. Scoring sheets will be made available in advance as well.Use your initials in the judge indicator field, same as you would for your photo submissions.
Meetings will be held in a suitable conference room and will do their best to start and end on time. Whenever possible, allowances for remote participation will be provided. Typically any announcements are made first. If needed, a quick run thru of all the images is performed followed by collection of the scoring sheets. Then the discussion period opens where each image is displayed and commented on by the group.
You must be a dues-paid club member to vote and submit a score sheet. Completed score sheets are collected before the discussion portion of the meeting.
You do NOT have to be present at the meeting to judge and submit a score sheet. Absentee score sheets should be submitted to gacameraclub@gmail.com and if possible copy the Vice-President. Deadline is midnight after the competition meeting is adjourned, unless otherwise stated.
The list and table below provides some guidance for your judging of the submissions, but ultimately you are the judge and sometimes images can break some of the "rules" if that is what makes their image unique. There are 10 criteria below which could be used to create a total score, if desired.
Impact - What you see first, first impression, holds your eye?
Subject Matter - Does the image fit the theme of this competition? Does the image conform to the category rules?
Creativity - Use of imagination, originality, unusual angle, cropping, lighting, etc.
Composition - Good placement of subject, Rule of Thirds, Golden Spiral, symmetry, harmonious proportions, etc.
Color Balance - Use of color and how that affects the mood of the image the artist is attempting to portray.
Center of Interest - Is there a COI (focal point or points) that contributes to the image? If no COI, does the lack of a COI contribute to the image?
Lighting - How well does the use and control of light enhance the image?
Presentation - Matting, vignette, aspect ratio, etc.
Technical Excellence - Is the image tack sharp, in focus or out of focus? Exposure, retouching, manipulation are other aspects to consider.
Story Telling - Does the image evoke imagination or send a message?
The below chart and list can be used as a guide to assign a numerical value to the submissions under review by you, the dues-paid member. Also reference the criteria list.
10 |
Superior. Has high impact or WOW factor, perfectly exposed and tack sharp, unless intentionally soft or out of focus. Evokes emotion. No improvements could be made. Relevant to the Theme of the competition. Meets ALL criteria. A masterpiece. |
7 - 9 |
Above Average to Excellent. Technically correct. High impact, perfectly exposed and tack sharp, unless intentional soft or out of focus. Relevant to the Theme of the competition. Possibly very minor improvements could be made, if any. |
4 - 6 |
Average. Mostly correct and has many good aspects, but minor changes could be incorporated to improve the image. |
1 - 3 |
Below Average. Many aspects of the image could be improved. Has little impact or imagination. Has errors such as out of focus, bad exposure, distracting background, etc. |
0 |
Your Submission(s). By assigning your own submissions a zero, we will have a consistent basis for ranking & awards. |